After winning the Zayed Future Energy Prize, ÌìÌÃTV has embarked on Operation Rain or Shine (OROS), one of its biggest sustainability projects to date.

The ultimate goal is to develop a new and improved model ofrenewable energy production and storage for the school and local community that is resilient and reliable throughout the year, while providing multiple learning opportunities both during development and as future learning objects. The hybrid renewable energy micro-grid at ÌìÌÃTV will be expanded, whilst exploring diverse ways to capture and store renewable energy on campus.

Learning with a Purpose: A Passion for Student-Driven Learning

As a learning community, the school is taking every opportunity to learn about its journey to sustainability.

High School students have been complicit in developing the OROS proposal, and will continue to take leadership roles in the further development of the project, along with mentoring and support from teachers and the expertise of certain ÌìÌÃTV parents and community members.

Along the way, Middle School and Primary School students will also have the chance to participate, with the final solution being a highly visible hybrid system that showcases the power and technical workings of renewable energies, for all to see and learn from.

The project will help build specific knowledge, as well as the critical skills and competencies that are the core ÌìÌÃTV educational goals.

The Power of Collaboration

In a ground-breaking renewable energies collaboration, the team has also joined forces with MA students from in Germany to provide the technical support needed to fulfill the project goal – rounding-out a cross-generational, cross-school, cross-cultural team of students with a shared passion for learning by doing. Operation Rain or Shine is a shared learning experience, which has grown from a common learning philosophy between the two schools: a shared belief in the power of learning through real-life projects and educating for 21st Century skills and competencies.


The Energy Hub will house a visual representation of electricity and installation of a hybrid micro-hydro/ solar renewable energy solution at ÌìÌÃTV, created by expanding on our existing micro-grid system.

On the electricity side, the building will generate and store its own power, house monitoring equipment and incorporate interactive pieces that allow students to better understand how energy can be transferred between different states.

In collaboration with Tsatsa House, the building utilizes sustainable Earth Bag building techniques founded by Nader Kalhili. It will incorporate 120 Sq meters of usable roof for solar panels, a rainwater catchment system and a Pico hydro System.

On the learning side, it will provide some enclosed areas that can be used for specific purposes eg. a Media LAB/ recording studio and a breakout space for students to meet and interact in a quieter environment.

Long Term Goals

  • Integrate rainwater catchment systems into all new buildings and explore viability to catch rainwater on existing structures.
  • Install an additional 10 kWp PV system to add to our electricity production.
  • Work with partners in establishing a hybrid smart grid that connects multiple sources of power production and storage.
  • Implement a real time monitoring system that allows for classes throughout school to apply the data to lessons.
  • Install an additional 15.6 kWp PV system to add to our electricity production.

Long Term Impact

The project overall will help:

  • Demonstrate resilient renewable power on the island of Bali.
  • Exemplify stacking functionality as a critical piece of infrastructure development.
  • Improving by 20% efficiency on the existing solar system.
  • Expand clean energy to our surrounding community in Bali.

Join Us!


With the Zayed Future Energy prize, ÌìÌÃTV has been able to drastically improve its energy monitoring capabilities on campus, construct a new building to house this monitoring equipment and create an educational experience for students around renewable energy.

Students at ÌìÌÃTV are hoping you can help them take their learning and impacts to the next level. Play a part in supporting young change makers to make our world sustainable, by giving an individual or corporate donation.

ÌìÌÃTV is now seeking partnerships with companies offering sustainable energy solutions to expand and grow this vision further. In exchange for your innovative technology, we would showcase your brand as at the forefront of renewable energy and promote your support of ÌìÌÃTV to our global network.


For further information, please contact development@greenschool.org or Support Us by donating directly via this link:

ÌìÌÃTV powered by Mother Earth and our Sponsors:

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